Thursday, 23 June 2016
We had a very sleepy humpback this morning. This humpback is called 'Awesome Fluker' and is one or the crew's favourite humpbacks. This humpback has kept us company on many tours and been seen regularly throughout May and June and is generally in the same area close to Hjalteyri. We had very thick mist this morning and we were a little worried as it was taking a long time to clear causing visibility to be limited. We searched the area slowly and even turned off the engines to see if we could hear the sound of the blow (exhaled breath of the humpback) as sound travels better in conditions like this when our sight is limited. We did not hear the blow whilst we had the engines off but as we slowly traveled east of Hjalteyri, suddenly 'Awesome Fluker' surfaced just 150 meters from our boat. It was a beautiful experience to see these incredible animals doing all sorts of behaviours, even having a snooze.
-Megan Whittaker