Wednesday, 11 October 2017
The rain was our company today, though the sea was beautifully quiet. Moreover, we didn't have to sail far north to find our beloved humpbacks. About two miles south the geothermal vents buoy we spotted many groups of harbour porpoises, and two well know whales, "King Louis" and "Harley Dafinson". They were swimming very synchronised and for our great surprise "Harley Danfinson" just breached close to us, the entire body! Swimming close to these whales, but not together, was our famous "whistle blow" whale named "Alli". The whales were just swimming around us all the tour, and our boat Hólmasól was practically stopped for a long time. A genuinely enjoyable wet day out with our humpbacks and porpoises.
Text and pictures by Manu Bassoi.