Sunday, 16 April 2017

Photographs and text by Mike Smith
Much warmer and brighter today than in previous days, but conditions at sea remained a little choppy, especially the waters outside of Eyjafjörður. As we journeyed away from Akureyri the sun shone upon the western side, highlighting the beauty of the surrounding mountain ranges. At first, sailing was smooth but progressively became worse as we approached the island of Hrisey. We had a good search in the area as we knew whales had been sighted yesterday morning, but had no luck. On the way back, huge flocks of long tailed ducks were seen flying across the fjord, with gannets, razorbills, fulmars and guillemots also being seen throughout the trip. Unfortunately no whales today so complimentary tickets were awarded. The landscape looked stunning and was appreciated by the passengers who were happy that they could come again and try their luck.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017


Saturday, 15 April 2017