Saturday, 22 April 2017

The weather was a little colder and overcast in comparison to yesterday's which felt like spring had finally arrived to the north of Iceland. We were very excited to get out on the water today after the amazing encounters with the fin whales of the previous tour. We searched the fjord as we traveled north as many birds were in the area, hoping to spot any fins or splashes below. As we passed Hjalteyri, there we saw a large blow. We slowed the boat and approached careful and there we saw a humpback whale. The animal surfaced a further two to three times before lifting its fluke and diving down. There it stayed for roughly five minutes. It resurfaced not too far from where we had originally seen it, appearing to be keeping the same course, north through the waves which were starting to build. Conditions further north were not supposed to be great and after viewing the whale perform a number of deeper dives, we changed direction and headed home.

Sunday, 23 April 2017


Friday, 21 April 2017