Saturday, 15 December 2018

WOOOOOW! What a tour! Dolfinitely an exceptional day. The conditions were very good, we had a flat fjord, little wind and it was rather warm for the season. Not long after leaving the harbour we found not one but THREE humpback whales, who we watched for some time as they rose and dove out of the water. In the distance we spotted some splashes and on nearing them we found a huge sudo-pod of white-beaked DOLPHINS, who are only a rare visitor to the fjord. This pod was massive consisting of at least 60 dolphins, many of which were mother and calf pairs! Not only were these amazing animals surfacing all around us but they were jumping and leaping all over the place! Was super awesome to watch! Even the little calves were jumping and breaching by their mothers side. After having a very good look at these dolphins we went on and found another two humpback whales to watch. And if that wasn´t enough as we were coming back up to the harbour we found some Northern Bottle-nosed whales! Simply Incredible!!

Pictures and text by Tess Hudson


Sunday, 16 December 2018


Friday, 14 December 2018