Tuesday, 20th March 2018

Today we sailed out on our 1 o‘clock tour on a beautiful day from Árskógssandur harbor, as soon as we left the harbor we saw a small pod of the Harbor Porpoises and had a nice time with them before we sailed further out the fjord to look for other cetaceans. We sailed through all the fjord and enjoyed the sightseeing Eyjafjorður has to offer and on our way back in the fjord we had a nice encounter with the big Fin whale north of Hróflssker. It looked like the whale was sleeping because it was logging a bit and coming up very often to breath. Amazing to say the least to have this second biggest animal that has ever lived on earth so close to us. On our way back to the harbor we had quite the surprise when we saw a baby Humpback calve, it was a joy to see this tiny but yet big animal coming up close to the boat. The sea condition was great when we saw the humpback baby calve and we could see the whale when it was swimming under the water and enjoyed this encounter very much. Before we docked the boat in Árskógssandur harbor we saw the Harbor Porpoises again and the passenger could enjoy the last sighting of the tour.

Text and pictures by Anna Gunnarsdóttir


Wednesday, 21st March 2018


Monday, 19th March 2018