Thursday, 10 May 2018
Today in the morning we went out on our catamaran Holmasol, and we spent the trip with 3 different humpback whales. One of them was an old friend of ours, since it is one of the first humpback whales identified here in Akureyri back in 2016. Its name is Fjall and it has been coming back every season eversince. However, it has been the first time this year that we have seen it, which makes us very happy. It looked like Fjall knew us as well, because it looked very comfortable and quiet with our presence. In the afternoon we went out on our catamaran and also on our rib boat, and soon we could find them again. This time the whales were more relaxed than in the morning, like if they were resting for a bit. We are so happy that our whales keep coming back year after year!
Text by Albert Camara; Pictures by Babsi Neubarth