Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Photographs by Liza Rogers and Megan Whittaker, Text by Megan Whittaker
Another whaleful day. Weather was a cloudier and a bit colder but everyone made full use of the warm free overalls. Snug as a bug in a rug. It was a long sail out to our first Humpback whale, found by another whale watching company close to Hauganes. However, on the way we had such wonderful time enjoying the numerous harbour porpoises splashing around as they feed under flocks of birds. Also saw so many species, terns, fulmars, long-tailed ducks, skuas, 1 puffin and many more. Its always amazing to see the incredible diversity of birds on our tours from Eyjafjörður. We were able to identify the humpback whale to be ´Depill´ meaning spotty in Icelandic. Depill was first catalogued last year so very happy to see this whale back again in the fjord. Minke whales were also encountered, 3 species in a tour is definitely a successful. A great day in the fjord.