Thursday, 17 May 2018
Today in the morning we had two boats going out. We were lucky to find two humpback whales that were probably feeding, since we could see them pretty active, coming up to the surface quite often and trying to cooperate with each other in order to gather the ball of fish together. It turned out that we knew these individuals from previous tours: Depill and Fin Kardashian. After sailing further north, we were lucky to witness how two other humpback whales were actively socializing, since they were spending a long time on the surface while one of them kept slapping its pectoral fins and launching the tail many times. It was a great show. In the afternoon we only went out on our catamaran Holmasol and we could find one of the humpbacks from each pair. This time they were not as easy to work with like in the morning, but despite it our guests managed to have good sightings of these whales. It is always good to see different behaviors!
Text by Albert Camara; Pictures by Liza Roger and Annalisa Sambolino