Thursday, 21 June 2018

The day was rather overcast and a little windy but the humpback whales were there to play! Or should I say, there to feed! Seven humpbacks this morning and three this afternoon. A very familiar fluke in the group: Jackson was pulling its usual moves. We also decided to name two of the new whale Humpfrey Bogart and Ezra. Those whales were swimming and feeding all day together. We also saw a nice breach right in front of the boat this morning! The seabirds were very active all day, feeding on the surface and taking advantage of the bubble curtains blown by the whales. The whales blow bubble-curtains to force the small fish to the surface were they lung towards them with their mouth wide open. So much food for the whale in the fjord at the moment!!..

Photos and text by Liza Roger



Friday, 22 June 2018


Wednesday, 20 June 2018