Saturday, 9 June 2018

Today in the morning we went out on our catamaran Holmasol on very quiet seas and with a beautiful light for whale watching. It took us a while but we managed to see a Humpback whale feeding together with an unexpected Minke whale. We could identify the humpback as Li, one of the first whales we have identified here in Akureyri. Later on, we could find two other humpbacks feeding together, one of which was identified as Number 2. In the afternoon we went out on our boat Konsul and also on our rib Solfar II and we could find again two humpback whales lounge feeding very actively, delighting our guests. It is feeding time! 

Text by Albert Camara; Pictures by Albert Camara


Sunday, 10 June 2018


Friday, 8 June 2018