Sunday, 29 July 2018

The day started wonderfully with the beautiful Icelandic sun shinning down over the fjord. It was a bit wavy but nothing to worry about. On our way out we spotted some lovely harbor porpoises popping up out of the surf and swimming alongside us. Our earlier tour spotted some beautiful humpback whales far out in the fjord, whereas out later tour found a beautiful minke whale who surfaced just wonderfully many many times around the boat. Coming up multiple times with its snout protruding from the water to clear the waves of the blowholes, which was amazing to watch. Unfortunately as the weather deteriorated and the waves got larger our later tour wasn´t so luckily with sightings therefore, complimentary tickets were issued to passengers allowing them to come back and see the wonderful wildlife Iceland has to offer. Fortunately, our bad luck didn´t last and our evening tour was once again filled with the beautiful humpback whales!

Pictures and text by Tess Hudson


Monday, 30 July 2018


Saturday, 28 July 2018