Sunday, 13 January 2019

Today we had a true winter experience in the Fjord - everything is covered with snow again and it was snowing from the very beginning til the very end of the tour. Just behind the industrial part of the harbor we spotted our first Humpback Whale that was most likely the same “Lazy Fluker” that we’ve seen yesterday - as we waited few times for him and didn’t see the fluke even once. We decided to head out north to look for more animals and first thing we’ve seen it was a Northern Bottlenose Whale! This couldn’t make us happier as he was active and feeding, this time we’ve seen just one whale, but also the waves where not helping to take a better look if it’s the same individual as we’ve seen before or possibly a new one. A very rare view to see, when about 100 meters away from us he did what we call a tail slap! he took out of the water his whole tail. Unfortunately this show lasted just seconds and we didn’t capture that on the camera but it was simply incredible to see. He was going for shorter dives but changing directions a lot so it was not easy to follow and we decided to leave him and move further out. It took us a while to fight over the waves and we almost reached Hjalteyri when we’ve noticed another Humpback Whale just behind us. Soon another one joined and we had two individuals very close to us in the same area and they both turned out to be whales we know pretty well - Jackson, that is our regular visitor in the Fjord since 2016 and Aretha Frankfin - a whale that we’re seeing on and off since the summer of 2018. We stayed with them until we had to head back, but that was not the end of the tour as on the way back we spotted two more Humpback whales and one of them gave us another incredible show doing what we call a lunge feeding! In total, we’ve seen today about 5 individuals of Humpback whales and at least one Northern Bottlenose Whale! Amazing tour!

Pictures and Text: Ania Wójcik


Monday, 14 January 2019


Saturday, 12 January 2019