Thursday, 3 October 2019
What a beautiful day out on the fjord, as autumn settles in the colours on the fjord have begun to change from luscious greens to golden reds and blazing sunset oranges, simply wonderful. On today´s tours we encountered some wonderful wildlife including harbour porpoises and four humpback whales. Ones which we know very well too, Iskona was obviously out to show us how beautiful she is, but also old favorites Harley Davfinson and Depill joined us. We also got to see a BREACH! A magical moment when a whale leaps right out of the water! Such a rare and incredible sight to see. Yet another truly delightful day out on the fjord, full of beauty and tranquility.
Departures today: Express: 10:00 & 14:00, Classic: 13:00
Pictures and text by Tess Hudson