Tuesday, 26 November 2019
Another stunning day in the Fjord. Only few days left til the end of November when we go out on the tours in the afternoon and you get to experience this incredible light. Today we started the day from making sure that everyone was wearing an overall as the temperature in Akureyri seems to drop down every day. First we spotted a Humpback whale just around Svalbardseyri area, second one was a Minke Whale around green bouy and also while waiting for him to pop up again we were lucky to see a pod of Harbour Porpoises cheerfuly jumping around. Two more Humpback whales we found a little bit further out north than Hjalteyri. Three species tour and amazing sea conditions, we love days like that! We recognized today Iskona, Aretha Frankfin and Depill.
Departures today: Classik 13:00
Pictures & Text: Ania Wójcik