Saturday, 21 December 2019

We had a whale of a time out on the fjord today! After only 5 minutes after leaving the harbour we were watching three majestic humpback whales. At first they were surfacing together one after another, it was wonderful to watch especially with the snow covered town of Akureyri in the background. They surfaced very regularly and were very easy to watch, we then saw yet another whale in the distance so we went to check that one out too. It surfaced very nicely, giving us a lovely look at it. The geothermal waterfall was close so we were able to get a spectacular look at the hot water pouring over the side of the cliff. It was then back to whales, three of which were surfacing very close. It´s amazing how close the whales have been the last few days and we hope it continues, as it´s amazing to see these incredible animals, especially from our office!

Pictures and text by Tess Hudson


Sunday, 22 December 2019


Friday, 20 December 2019