Sunday, 29 December 2019

Wow! What a fantastic tour we had today! It didn´t take us very long to find the whales today, we found our wonderful “Iskona” just after 35 minutes. This wonderful humpback whale surprised us with some incredibly close surfacing´s today, coming up just meters from the boat! She then awed us with some incredible surface feeding behaviour, where we could see this whale lunging about on the surface. It was filling it´s huge mouth full of fish, and forcing the excess water out through the baleen places in it´s mouth. Was just awesome to watch as it leaped out of the water with its mouth wide open, then rolled over on the flat fjord. Always a joy to sail out on the fjord as you never know what you are going to see.

Pictures and text by Tess Hudson


Monday, 30 December 2019


Saturday, 28 December 2019