Friday, 1 March 2019

Amazing day in the fiord with our extra tour at 09.00 and a lovely Humpback whale swimming around area of Hjalteyri. When we first encountered the individual in the first tour, we assumed that the individual was exhibiting a resting behavior: the surfacings were not so frequent, and there was an overall “lack of energy” that was probably a sign of resting. During the second tour, however, the animal was slightly more active, frequently touring around without showing obvious signs of feeding. The cherry on the top of the day, however, were the numerous Harbour porpoises that we encountered throughout the tour. Quite often we spotted them surfacing astonishingly fast (or porpoising) and probably feeding on the great amounts of fish present at the moment. A unique show for a cetacean species known to behave usually shy and quiet!

Pictures and text by Alberto Alejandro


Saturday, 2 March 2019


Thursday, 28 February 2019