Friday, 29 March 2019

Beautiful sailing conditions, very little wind, combined with the warm sun and a very flat fjord made sailing a delight. On the tour we encounter a huge diversity of bird life including: northern fulmar, kittiwake, eider duck, long tailed duck and black guillemot. The stars of the tour were most definitely the beautiful harbour porpoises. Usually an elusive species, these animals only pop up once or twice before they disappear, but not today! Today they surfaced all the way around the boat coming up many times. They were porpoising out of the water at points, a beautiful sight to see. No larger cetaceans were seen and complimentary tickets were given out but regardless, the passengers enjoyed the wonderful little “Pig” whales as they are known in many languages.

Pictures and text by Tess Hudson


Saturday, 30 March 2019


Thursday, 28 March 2019