Friday, 19 April 2019
Another beautiful day to be out in the Fjord. Both tours today we started and finished in Dalvik. The morning tour we begun from scanning east side Hrisey Island area and went all the way to the light house. We found a group of Harbor porpoises on the way but they were quite shy around us and disappeared quickly. It took us a longer while to find a blow on the west side of Hrisey but we found a Humpback Whale. He was active and feeding, not easy to follow and going for dives without showing the fluke so we were not able to identify him this time but we stayed with him rest of the tour. In the afternoon unfortunately the weather got worse and we were not able to find any cetaceans. We gave complimentary tickets to everybody. The waves should calm down by the evening so hopefully we see more tomorrow!
Pictures and Text: Ania Wojcik