Saturday, 11 May 2019

What a day - a great example of how unpredictable the weather conditions in Iceland are and how fast they can changed. We started in the morning with sunshine in Akureyri after a lot of fog had luckily disappeared. After 20-30 min we were welcomed by thick snow fall out in the fjord and strong winds. The afternoon was similar changing from summer to winter and back again. The whales were not too far out in the fjord, in the morning we saw one humpback whale very well known to us as “Mary” and a second humpback that we saw only from a bit further away. In the afternoon we could clearly identify our humpback “Moonshine” that allowed us to get quite close after we carefully approached it. Some harbour porpoises also showed up during both tours but were difficult to spot due to the wavy conditions today. An adventurous but successful day!

Text and photos by Hanna Michel


Sunday, 12 May 2019


Friday, 10 May 2019