Tuesday, 16 July 2019

2019-07-16-KON-VIIVI (2).JPG

Today we got to sail the fjord further to the North near the Island of Hrisey. On our way we saw a lot of harbour porpoises as the sea was flat and made it easier to spot these small and fast animals. We also saw a minke whale popping up briefly. In the morning we found a sleeping humpback whale, just calmly resting at the surface allowing us to observe it more closely. The same humpback whale was with us later in the afternoon as well, this time being more active and doing a lot of diving after the good sleep. We could hardly keep up with the humpback whale popping up unpredictably around the boat which made it even more exciting to watch. Blow and there it was again! An interesting day in the cloudy fjord!

Departures today CLASSIC 9, 13, 17 & 20:30 EXPRESS 10:00

Text and picture by Viivi Pöyhönen


Wednesday, 17 July 2019


Monday, 15 June 2019