Monday, 8 July 2019
What a beautiful day with cloudy mountains over the fjord. Today we got to sail further up north, past the island of Hrisey almost to the mouth of the fjord. On our way we saw lots of seabirds : arctic terns, kittiwakes, guillemots, northern fulmars and….. PUFFINS! We don’t get to see puffins in Eyjafjordur very often, so this was an exciting moment for us! We also found a humpback whale that was resting at the surface allowing us to get observe the beautiful animal closely. A small pod of white beaked dolphins joined us as well and were circ ling around us for a while. A lovely day to sail the fjord!
Departures today: CLASSIC: 9, 13, 17 & 20:30 EXPRESS: 10, 16 & 21
Text by Viivi Poyhonen and pictures by Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan