Saturday, 2 October 2021

What a wild and windy day out on the fjord. It was raining and quite wavy but that did not stop us from sailing or seeing some amazing humpback whales. Just south of Hauganes we found a fair few whales. They were popping up all round the boat bursting out of the surf to take a breath. Two whales were travelling together including our fjord favorite “Tough Pella” who we haven’t seen for the last few weeks, so its great to know it is still around. There were at least 5 humpback whales around us and more could be seen in the distance. Just as we were about to leave these wonderful whales, three of them surfaced all together super close to the boat! we watched in awe as they went for a spectacular dive all together! What a wild yet wonderful tour!

Pictures and text by Tess Hudson

Tors today: Classic 09:00


Sunday, 3 October 2021


Friday, 01 October 2021