Tuesday, 3 August 2021
Today was such a good day with our wild life in the fjord. The morning tours got the change to see a Humpback whale coming back in the fjord. We named this whale Quasimodo and have not seen him or her for four years in Eyjarfjörður. Such a joy to see whales returning back in the area. We also saw a Minke whale close to Hjalteyri and few pods of The harbor porpoises and our Express tour got a change to look at White-beak Dolphins. Our afternoon tours got the change to see a different humpback whale North of Hrísey. That tour was amazing and the whale was calmly feeding and all of a sudden it raised the tail and made a tail slap. Just a perfect day to sail out in the fjord today with our giant creatures.
Text and pictures by Anna Gunnarsdóttir
Departures today: Classic 09:00, 13:00 and 20:30 & Express 10:00 and 14:00