Friday, 3 September 2021
An overcast but thankfully dry day in nice sailing conditions expected us on this first Friday in September. On every of our tours we saw our beloved humpback whales scattered throughout the fjord. In the morning we encountered Jubliee just north of Hjalteyri and in the afternoon we spent time with whales to the east of Hrisey. In the afternoon we were also very pleased to be reunited with a well-known humpback whale from previous seasons called Though Pella. This individual is very special as it was struck by a boat in the Westfjords many years ago. The scars are still very visible but thankfully the humpback seems to be doing just fine. A good reminder for us that nature is extremely fragile but also strong and durable!
Text & Pictures: Babsi Neubarth
Departures today: CLASSIC 09:00, 13:00 & 17:00; EXPRESS 10:00