Saturday, 9 July 2022

The beautiful weather continues here in Akureyri and the fjord life is loving it. The water is becoming noticeably greener with Phytoplankton. On flat days like today the herring are practically jumping out of the water. This is visually transmitted to us by observing ever larger groups of Terns and cheeky Fulmars circling the Rhibs. The Humpbacks are benefiting as well. 1000 am RHIB sighted one large animal just south of Hrisey, upon venturing further up to north Hrisey, the 1300 pm classic and 1400 pm RHIB found 4 happy Humpbacks and one tricksy Minke. Most exciting news of the day however was the return of our old friend Left Hook the Humpback.

Text and Images : Pete

Depatures; Classic: 0900, 1300, 1700 Express: 1000, 1400


Sunday, 10 July 2022


Friday, 8 July 2022