Wednesday, 18 October 2023
The wind was light in the morning but increased throughout the day from the south east, creating some wavy conditions a little bit further out. Overcast all day. No precipitation.
The rib tours had to be cancelled, since the strong wind was too much and the waves too big.
On the morning classic tour we encountered two Humpback Whales, that we know well from previous years. They were cruising together all day. Their location was Rodavik.
In the afternoon we checked them out again, but made a move further north, just to encounter about 11 or 12 more Humpback Whales. 2 groups, one with 4 and one with 5 individuals. Their behavior was very calm but there might have been one or two trumpets.
Text & Photos: Jacob
Departures: Classic-0900 & 1300