Wednesday, 22 November 2023
Today was very windy, therefore sea conditions have been on the choppy side. Hail and snow in some places. But the visibility was still great.
We went for a sweet cruise to the northern part of the fjord and scanned the area, made a turn and found 3 Humpback Whales. These guys were spread apart about 500m from each other just north of Hjalteyri. Turned around and found 3 Humpback Whales. But then they got a little closer to and all a sudden a massive tail throw out of nowhere. That was crazy to watch. unfortunately I didnt quite capture it on camera, but things like this will stick to your memory for ever… that’s also why we take pictures so you can enjoy the whales with your eyes and we take care of getting the shots. Those pictures are free for our passengers from the tour they went on.
After spending some quality time with these fellas, we turned around and went back home.
Here’s my great picture of the tail throw.
Text & Photos: Jacob
Departures: 1300 Classic