Wednesday, 12 July 2023
Hello everyone!
What a windy day we had today! But, despite de wind we were able to sail out and we were rewarded with very good sightings.
In the morning we had to sail all the way out until reaching south of Hrisey island, where we encountered several humpback whales, the first, an individual with the fluke already quite familiar as it has been already in the fjord for a few days, we could see it quite well and several times, the second whale gave us two breaches and the cool behavior of pec slapping, and the third, when we returned to Akureyri, although it looked like it was taking a nap, it also did something very curious, showing part of its rostrum out of the water, similar to the typical spy hopping behaviour of dolphins! In the afternoon departure we were only able to go out with our largest boat, Holmasol, as the wind had increased, but again south of Hrisey, we saw 2 humpback whales feeding in synchrony and very close to the surface, so arctic terns and seagulls joined the feast.
Regarding the birdlife, we could see puffins, guillemots with their young, arctic skuas, arctic terns, fulmars, among others.
Text & Pictures: Gema
Departures of the day: Classic tours 10:00 & 14:00. Express tours 10:00.