Saturday, 9 November 2024
Weather today could not have been better for this month. Sunshine, warmth and no wind for most part of the tour.
Starting off from the fishing harbour into the north, it didn’t take us long to find something at the surface when the fjord is made out of glass. All of a sudden we find ourselves, with engines turned off, in the middle of a feast for 1 Minke Whale, lots of Harbour Porpoises and also gulls. All feeding around our boat. Even the Minke decided to show up 4m in front of the boat.
After this sweet show we headed further out and found 2 Humpback Whales fairly close to each other. One of them had quite an injury on his right hand side of the dorsal fin. Most defenitely caused by a propellor. But it looked like a rather old injury and his diving behavior seemed normal. These 2 Humpbacks we encountered a little north of the green buoy.
Text & Photos: Jacob
Departure: 1100 O’clock Classic