Tuesday, 19 March 2024

We sailed out in southern wind, with some swell, but the sun was shining!
Today, we encountered two Humpback Whales by Hjalteyri. We had several close encounters with both Humpbacks and one of them even tail slapped several times! It was already a great tour with amazing encounters, when we sailed out further and encountered one BLUE WHALE by Hauganes!!! This is super, super rare, as they are not seen inside our fjord very often. We were absolutely thrilled. We got to see the biggest animal on earth today, as it surfaced by our boat to take a big, loud breath! It was unbelievable to see the size of this whale up close.
This is a day to remember and we are still trying to wrap our heads around everything that we got to witness today. Absolutely stunning. What a tour!

Text & Pictures: Cheyenne
Departures of the day: Classic Tour 13:00 o’clock.


Wednesday, 20 March 2024


Monday, 18 March 2024