Monday, 25 March 2024

Today, we had a fantastic tour! We sailed in cold weather, with the wind picking up as we sailed out a bit further north, but overall we had good conditions.
Just as we left the harbor of Akureyri, we spotted the first indicators of a cetacean! We encountered one feeding Humpback Whale, saw very active lunge feeding and had extremely pleasant encounters.
It was incredibly beautiful to watch this Humpback Whale resurface over and over again, while feeding at the surface!
Additionally, we saw many different bird species feeding around the whale, also picking out their food.
It was a true spectacle. And we had many close encounters. Several times, the Humpback surfaced right in front of us, meters away from our boat Hólmasól!
This was a breathtaking tour and we cannot wait to sail out again in Eyjafjörður tomorrow!

Text & Pictures: Cheyenne
Departures of the day: Classic Tour 13:00 o’clock.


Tuesday, 26 March 2024


Sunday, 24 March 2024