Friday, 8 March 2024

We had good overall weather conditions today and the wind only picked up a little bit as we sailed further out.
Just after leaving our harbor, we spotted the first blow, which belonged to a Humpback Whale! This whale was just north of Akureyri. A second Humpback was found just south of Svalbarðseyri! We were lucky to observe both whales surface feeding, resurfacing very often after shorter deep dives. We had plenty of nice encounters and even some very close ones! What a sight! It was truly exciting to see the whales feed, coming up to the surface with an open mouth in the process of their lunge feeding several times!
Along the way, we also encountered several pods of Harbor Porpoises in different locations as well as plenty of different bird species!

Text & Pictures: Cheyenne
Departure of the day: Classic Tour 13:00 o’clock.


Saturday, 9 March 2024


Thursday, 7 March 2024