Friday, 26 April 2024

We started our tours on a completely glassy but cloudy and slightly windy morning on our lovely Eyjafjörður.

During our morning tour, we encountered Magnea—our celebrity Humpback whale, just by Hjalteyri. Calmly swimming around us showing a high fluke. But around us, we also saw all kinds of bird life!

Countless Long-tailed Ducks, Northern Fulmars, Great Northern Divers, Goose flying across the Fjörð and of course our lovely Black-headed gulls.

But a bit further north we also encountered a second Humpback whale just North of Rauðavík

On our afternoon tour we also encountered Magnea, however, a little further in Rauðavik we found our second resident Humpback Camel. This was quite the encounter with this whale is all I can really say. This whale probably breached at least 30 times. Thirty. so many breaches and head-slaps, unfortunately, we had to leave this whale while it was still partying at the surface as it simply just would not stop. It was crazy.

Text & Photos: Gisela & Mac

Departures: Express - 1000 & 1400 O’Clock


Saturday, 27 April 2024


Thursday, 25 April 2024