Monday, 29 April 2024
The weather today mirrored yesterday almost perfectly, with the addition of some increasing northern wind in the afternoon.
Today we encountered: 1 Short Beaked Common Dolphin, many Harbour Porpoises, 2 Minke Whales & 3 Humpback Whales. And, this does not even include the multitude of bird species we saw today (it was a very bird-heavy day as you can see in the pictures above). Special mention to our friends the Northern Gannets who were seen diving into the water and flying throughout the day.
The locations are as follows: 1 Minke Whale seen in the morning by Svalbarðseyri; the second Minke seen near the Green Buoy also in the morning; 1 HW camel seen close to the Green Buoy and Hjalteyri in the morning and afternoon; a second HW (Camel) closer to Strytan in the morning; the third HW seen East Hjalteyri in the afternoon (the new non-fluking individual seen yesterday).
Behaviours of note were Camel tail slapping both inverted and dorsally and a full body breach and tail throw from Magnea in the afternoon. Our third Humpback appeared to be feeding on a layer of fish some 20 meters down but did not show direct evidence of feeding apart from the rapid surfacing and directional changes.
Text & Photos: Mac & Ania
Departures: Classic - 0900 & 1400 O’Clock. Express - 1000 & 1400 O’Clock