Friday, 5 April 2024

The weather in the fjord today was very favorable for spotting, there was a very minor Southern wind but with clear skies and a glass like water surface.

We sailed to East of Hjalteyri on both tours finding 3 Humpback Whales. Our 2 regular individuals and the new whale first spotted yesterday. The whales here were diving for less than 5 minutes each and on our afternoon tour spend much time around our boat. We were fortunate enough to have the whales surface several times right next to the boat giving us views of the whale swimming below the water surface as we watched from above. This is not something I’ve experienced in a whale as the water has been so dark recently and it was really nice to witness once again.

Text & Pictures: Mac

Departures: 0900 & 1300 O’Clock Classic


Saturday, 6 April 2024


Thursday, 4 April 2024