Tuesday, 9 April 2024

The weather started today fairly flat but a strong Eastern wind meant the waves picked up quite considerably throughout the day.

On our morning tour we observed a Humpback Whale, very close to the harbour, seen swimming right next to the hot water fall Heiti Foss. This was Magnea and it was doing several standard low fluke dives, staying in a fairly similar spot. On one occasion the whale surfaced right in front of the bow of our boat and then proceeded to exhibit some resting or sleeping behaviours. On our afternoon tours we once again saw this whale and an additional Humpback located in between the green buoy and Hjalteyri. This whale was the one and only Camel and was demonstrating some extremely high fluke dives.

Text & Pictures: Mac

Departures: Classic - 0900 & 1300. Express - 1400


Wednesday, 10 April 2024


Monday, 8 April 2024