Sunday, 12 May 2024

Another incredible day in our fjord!
We sailed out in good weather conditions into a cloudy fjord, but with calm sea and good visibility on sea level.
On our tours, we spotted plenty of Harbor Porpoises as well as many different bird species. We encountered one Minke Whale by the green buoy as well as one feeding Humpback Whale close to Strýtan! This whale was very busy feeding all around our boats, resurfacing super frequently after short deep dives. We watched lunge feeding and had a lot of very close encounters and as we waited for the whale to come back up to the surface, it resurfaced just by our boat many times. With turned-off engines, we enjoyed watching the Humpback feed at the surface in the area around us. Additionally, we saw one tail throw. There were plenty of stunning encounters today!

Text & Pictures: Cheyenne

Departures of the day: Classic Tour 09:00 o´clock. Express tours 10:00 & 14:00 o´clock.


Monday, 13 May 2024


Saturday, 11 May 2024