Tuesday, 14 May 2024
For the first time in a while we had clear blue skies and a boiling 9 degrees. The wind was only a light breeze coming from the North leaving us with an almost completely flat sea surface.
in total today we saw 4 different Humpback Whales: Magnea; Camel; a new large individual; and another new non-fluking whale. Magnea was seen in the morning swimming alone near the green buoy, however, on a fast heading South. Just a little North of this were the two new individuals diving just a couple hundred meters from each other. In the afternoon, the non-fluker was not seen, but Magnea and the new large whale were this time together swimming slowly South from Strýtan. A while north, up around Rauðavik, was Camel once again surface feeding like in previous days. Two Minkes were also seen throughout the day, one on the East coast, very close to the shore, by Strýtan and the second by Dagvarðseyri.
Text & Photos: Mac
Departures: Classic: 0900 & 1300 O’Clock. Express: 1000 & 1400 O’Clock.