Saturday, 4 May 2024

The weather this morning was relatively flat with small wind waves coming from the North. This wind increased significantly into the afternoon creating some sizable waves on the Rib. In addition to this, the sky was mostly overcast with a strange dusty haze in the air.

We encountered both recent resident Humpback Whales on our tours today, Magnea and Camell (Fjörulalli). The first Humpback was found around the East of Hjalteyri and in the afternoon this is where both were seen within a couple hundred meters of each other. In the morning, however, Camel was slightly further North around Grenivik.

Text & Photos: Mac

Departures: Classic - 0900. Express - 1000 & 1400 O’Clock


Sunday, 5 May 2024


Friday, 3 May 2024