Tuesday, 25 October 2016
It was a little bit chilly as we left the harbour today, after only 5 minutes of sailing a few harbour porpoises were spotted popping up a few times in the distance. Once a bit further into the fjord our first humpback was spotted. 'Frankenstein' surfaced wonderfully close to us a few times before arching and going for a lovely deep dive, raising its fluke high into the air. It was then decided to move further out where we spotted a minke whale, which surfaced beautifully only a few meters ahead of us. After a bit more sailing four more humpback whales were spotted. These animals surfaced numerous times all at varying distances. Raising their mighty flukes into the air multiple times. On heading back we watched one of our new regulars 'Daggers' surface multiple times and so close it was incredible. Snow had begun to fall on the mountains giving us a spectacular view of the now white coloured fjord.
-Tess Hudson
- Picture by Tess Hudson