In response to the announcement from the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, allowing whaling to be resumed in Iceland in 2023 we share a great disappointment with this decision and will continue to advocate against whaling in Iceland. It is disheartening to witness Iceland to permit and support the continuation of such practices.
Whale watching has played an important role in raising awareness of the value of living whales and the importance of nature conservation. Historically it has contributed to shifting public opinion, changing attitudes and building a global movement dedicated to the conservation of whales and their habitats - while it may not be the sole factor leading to whaling bans, we surely hope that with combined efforts we can achieve the change in Iceland.
As a responsible whale watching company, we are committed to continue our efforts to raise awareness about the importance of preservation of our marine wildlife to allow future generations to enjoy the beauty of these incredible animals. We are fully committed to support initiatives aimed at enhancing the well-being of whales.
We call upon Icelanders, tourists, all stakeholders, businesses and fellow tourism operators to unite in opposition to whaling in Iceland and prioritize the long-term goals for preserving the marine wildlife in Iceland. Whales are migratory species that travel vast distances in the oceans, therefore the decision of killing them should not be up to one country. Your support is crucial for our collective efforts to protect these amazing animals.