Thursday, 1 August 2019

Sunny sailing in Eyjafjordur! The weather today was magnificent with clear blue sky and sunshine, perfect conditions for spotting whales. We departed from Dalvik and sailed far up north to the mouth of the fjord. On the morning tour we were accompanied by lots and lots of white-beaked dolphins. They were popping up everywhere around us, jumping and some even riding our waves. We got to see a lot of cute baby dolphins as well! We continued sailing further up north in hopes of finding humpback whales and we ended up finding not only one but SIX humpback whales. And in the afternoon, we found them again ! They were diving a lot and coming up to the surface in all directions, it was almost hard to keep up with so many whales around us! We even got to witness some of the humpbacks lunge-feeding, showing us their huge head and mouth. There were also a lot of birds around, kittiwakes, arctic terns, northern fulmars. There must have been a lot of fish in the area since everyone was joining in to enjoy the meal. All in all a perfect whale watching day!

Today’s departures CLASSIC 9, 13, 17, 20.30 EXPRESS 14, 16

Text by Viivi Pöyhönen and pictures by Tess Hudson


Friday, 02 August 2019


Wednesday, 31 July 2019