Friday, 02 August 2019
We had a great day today going out from the harbour of Akureyri in the morning with a lot of fog everywhere but absolutely no winds which is more important for us - no winds, no waves. After a little more than one hour of sailing we came across our first humpback whale of the day! It was an individual with a almost completely white underside of the tail. We spent some time with it before moving on and soon encountered two more humpback whales, one of them known as “Giljagaur” which was first seen here in the fjord in 2016. It was traveling with another humpback that we have not seen before on our tours. In the afternoon we saw two of the humpback whales again and saw the blow of a third whale. However, after heading over to the area we never saw that animal - that is nature! On the other hand, we got to see some harbour porpoises while we were looking for that humpback whale that never showed up! Awesome day, with the sun coming out in the afternoon and great conditions for a boat ride!
Text and photos by Hanna Michel
Departures today: Classic: 09:00, 13:00, 17:00 & 20:30 Express: 10:00