Friday, 13 March 2020

Friday 13th! It supposed to be a day with bad luck, but not for us! Today we sailed out for the first time after 3 days of cancellations due to unfavorable sea conditions and were lucky enough to find two species of whales! It took us a while to find them and it was rather a challenge to spot wildlife today but we had amazing encounters with both of them. First we found a Humpback whale just outside Hauganes. The whale was very active and feeding, moving a lot - it was hard to keep up with him. He only raised the fluke once and we only seen it from a distance but suddenly we spotted another dorsal fin coming to the surface on the side. First Minke Whale this year! What a timing! We followed the whale that was clearly feeding very close to the costline. Meanwhile the Humpback whale followed us, so we ended up in between two feeding whales that were coming very close to us. Amazing tour!

Departure today: Classic 13:00

Pictures & Text: Ania Wojcik


Saturday, 14 March 2020


Thursday, 12 March 2020