Friday, 24 July 2020

Amazing tours today!! The sea and weather conditions were rather rough and we had to cancel the rib tour in the morning but it was a fantastic decision to go out there in the afternoon as we probably had one of the best Humpback Whale & White beaked dolphin encounter we have ever had. Playful dolphins were following us and jumping around the whale during the whole tour and the whale was very relaxed, rolling in the water from one side to the other showing us both flippers and belly and doing very acrobatic movements with it’s tail while dolphins would jump over it. I still can’t believe we’ve seen it. In the evening we had an extra departure where we found the same whale with another Humpback whale this time actively feeding close to the surface so we had plenty of opportunities to see them.

Departures today: 13:00 & 20:30 Classic

Pictures & Text: Ania Wojcik


Saturday, 25 July 2020


Thursday, 23 July 2020