Friday, 22 October 2021

Whale, whale, whale, what a delightful day out on the fjord today. At a very chilly -6 degrees we headed out on our express tour wrapped up very nice and warm, the fjord was flat and there was very little wind. After only 18 minutes of leaving harbour we were already watching whales. “Cosmos” and “piccolo” the humpback whales gave us a wonderful time showing us their huge tails as they went for deep dives. Later on in the tour we also found a beautiful minke whale. On our afternoon adventures we found yet another minke whale, some harbor porpoises and 4 humpback whales who were surfacing all around us! Which was just fantastic! These included “Aretha Frankfin”, “Cosmos”, “Piccolo” and a new one. What a fabulous day!

Pictures and text by Tess Hudson

Tours today: Express: 10:00, Classic: 13:00


Saturday, 23 October 2021


Thursday, 21 October 2021