Friday, 8 October 2021

What a superb sunny day to be sailing. It was warm and sunny, there was very little wind and very little swell. Our morning tour found 5 fabulous humpback whales spread throughout the fjord. Two which were travelling together. These whales were very well known to us “Tough Pella” and “Jubilee” delighted us with some truly spectacular surfaces and some dramatic deep dives. We were also able to spot “Piccolo” and “Cosmos” the humpback whales. Our afternoon tours found “Cosmos” again as well as another humpback whale which seems to be new to the fjord. A yet another fantastic day out on the fjord!

Pictures and text by Tess Hudson

Tours today: Classic: 09:00 & 13:00, Express: 14:00


Saturday, 9 October 2021


Thursday, 7 October 2021