Tuedsday, 11 May 2021

Amazing day to be out on the water! We sailed out from Akureyri in full sun and having clear sky, passing by a lot of bird life on the way, the fjord is filled with Gannets and very acrobatic Arctic terns. It took us not longer than 30minutes to find a Minke Whale just around the green buoy in the fjord. He was heading north and seemed very relaxed, we had a few close encounters. Another boat in the fjord told us that 2 humpback whales were seen this morning further out so we decided to head out north to find them but this time we didn’t. There was a lot more wind at the entrance of the fjord so we turned back and just around Hjalteyri we’ve seen amazing show from harbour porpoises. These small cetaceans are usually shy around the boats and can disappear quickly but didn’t seem shy at all today. It was around 7-10 individuals joyfully jumping just next to our boat. Next tour tomorrow at 13:00 and we can’t wait to be out there!

Text & Pictures: Ania Wojcik
Departures today: Classic 13:00


Wednesday, 12 May 2021


Monday, 10 May 2021